...but first, I'd like to start a "weekly top three," just in case I can't think of anything to post in weeks to come.
My three most visited sites:
o Boundless -A great site for singles (it's a branch of Focus on the Family)
And, without further ado: My Prince Charming Post
(I wrote this a few days ago)
Even when I was little, I was obsessed with having my own Prince Charming.
I wasn’t really surprised. I had read in a numerous books, but I’d never really understood before today.
I was sitting in Art class, thinking of the somewhat “heroic” Jason Bourne from the movie we had just watched the night before. I was considering how I would like to have a young man like him be interested in a girl like me. He’s not the first hero I’ve thought about, saying to myself, “If only my future husband will be like him...”
I think most girls have fallen in love with or admire particular gentlemen who appear to have everything a girl could want. Particularly handsome actors that play heroic roles in Hollywood films.
Horatio Hornblower, Harry Feversham, Roger Hamley, Mr. Thornton, or Mr. Darcy to name a few.
In fact, most Hollywood heroes posses just about every trait desirable to a young woman. Doesn’t every girl want her Prince Charming to be suave, debonair, caring, funny, attractive, and tender hearted? I know Christian women desire a man in love with God, but most women share similar lists of good qualities in men. And why not? We all want to have perfect marriages and they usually require two perfect people.
But in reality, we have to understand that no one is perfect.
The man I marry will not be perfect. He’ll be like me; in need of the Lord.
He might not be the best in everything, eloquent, romantic or handsome. He may not have wealth or be comfortably situated. He may not be able to give me jewels, take me to restaurants, or provide me with children.
But these things don’t matter, for he will be a Child of God. He will be a man after God’s own heart.
That’s where I came to find the Prince Charming. He is perfect; He’s the only perfect being that ever walked on the earth. He is God. He will rescue me from the Fowler’s snare, comfort me when I’m lonely, love me for all of my life, and never leave me.
He’s the perfect gentleman.
I’m also head over heels in love with Him. My heart belongs to my Jesus. If I get married, it still will. I want any relationship I’m in to be centered on Him.
For right now, I’m praying for contentment with the Prince Charming who gave His life for mine. Nothing can part me from His love.
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
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