
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Greetings from Rachel

When Anna asked me if I would like to contribute to this blog, my first reaction was an enthusiastic "Yes!". And then I stopped to think about it. I've never blogged before, I'm a very quiet person, and I frequently feel as though I have no thoughts to share. "Oh, well. It will just be a step outside of my comfort zone: a growing experience." I can only pray that God will direct my words.

I am a nineteen year old home-school graduate. I am not currently taking any college classes, although the possibility is there for the future. Right now, I am focusing on staying at home, learning to keep house, and blessing my family and friends as God brings opportunities. My desire is to be a homemaking wife and mother, but I'm learning to trust in God to lead me where He will, in His timing.

Part of my journey: I became a Christian when I was four years old. But when I hit the "preteen" years, I became rebellious and started questioning my faith. My mother patiently taught me and worked with me, showing me other religions, so I would see that only Christianity is real in its claims. After a year or two, I was convinced, but still rather reluctant. I didn't want to have to answer for my actions, or live according to a certain "code of conduct", at least not one that seemed to be imposed upon me. But God was working in my life.

Several months after I turned sixteen, in September of 2006, I was taken to the emergency room of a hospital in Ohio, while visiting my grandparents. My severe stomach pain and nausea turned out to be gastritis (an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by too much acid). It is easy to treat, but I remained in slowly decreasing pain for the next nine months. During this period, I discovered the Vision Forum Jamestown 400 treasure hunt, and our family became deeply involved. I met so many wonderful Godly people, who have been, and continue to be, such an inspiration to me, and learned so many amazing things about God's Providence in the history of our nation. God used it as a spiritual revival for me.

Since then, though there have been ups and downs, I have continued to seek God, and strive to be closer to Him. I can see so many evidences of His grace and love in my life, now and in retrospect. My desire is to grow more and more like Him.

Some of my myriad interests: reading, sewing, cooking, dancing, singing, languages, astronomy, history...this list could go on and on!

I pray that God will use our words to bless others, and would show us, through this, how to grow yet closer to Him.


1 comment:

  1. Rachel~

    I guess that's the first time I've actually heard your "testimony"! Thanks for sharing...Funny how we make people up to be something else. So often, I assume that everyone else has got it together. During the JT400, I guess I just thought you'd been walking with the Lord for a long time. Truth be told, you were just getting serious with Him.

    Keep pressing on!

    Now, I want to talk to you more about the days in between and the way God was actually working in your life!



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