
Friday, January 21, 2011

My lovely Mother and Father...

My Mother is the most beautiful person I know. She and my Dad have such a heart for God. I'm so thankful God put me exactly where I am in life, in my family...

My Mom posted yesterday about the 25th anniversary of her and my dad's first date. They are so sweet and romantic.

From her blog:

"A few years ago my husband and I started celebrating the day we became a couple.

"It was the day I gave him my class ring and he committed to write only to me while he was away. It was a snowy, January day, and he was returning to the Army base where he was stationed, almost five hours away.

"That was our beginning.

"We married 18 months later and our story has it's ups and downs just like most people's do.

"It wasn't until five and a half years later that we started to live for God as a couple."
Please read the rest here...

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