
Monday, September 6, 2010

Sermon Series

Last month, the Lord laid a study of the book of Ruth on my heart.

Needless to say, I was slow to answer.

However, this last Friday I did answer. I took the time to read through Ruth and make some notes. I knew I wanted to go deeper, so I got onto Desiring God and found a sermon series on it.

Through the month of September I will be reading the entire book once a week and listening to one sermon a week.

On Saturday, I listened to the first sermon. It was FABULOUS!

Seriously, I realized things about this book, God, and faith that I never knew before.

Today, the sermon at church added to it as it was on Hebrews 10:31;39 and 11:1-16.

Biblical faith is confidence in God.

When we exercise confidence in God, we live in His will and the peace of God guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord!

Read Ruth. Check out Piper's sermon series on Ruth. And exercise the faith that God has given you!!


  1. Thanks, Victoria! I still remember a sermon by Jonathan Edwards that I read on Ruth from a 100 year old book, to the same effect as your John Piper sermons--it brought lessons from Ruth that I had never before even contemplated!

  2. Lauren, do you happen to know what that sermon by Edwards was called? I'd love to read it!


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