August is almost here. Before we know it, summer will be gone and fall will have arrived.

I had a conversation with an older lady today. As we got to talking, she mentioned that in her old age, her body just does not work like it used to. She said something that stuck with me....
"Things just aren't like they were once upon a time. I guess my once upon a time is long gone now, yes, it's over."

Now, this lady has certainly not given up on life, yet living is harder than it once was as her body just cannot keep up anymore.
I observed two things:
Man is frail and finite.
With each passing day, man is getting closer to his end.

For God's people, this is both joyous and sobering.
What a joy to know that after today we'll be one day closer to being with God forever.
Yet how sobering to realize that we are responsible for how this day was spent.
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