
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorize Scripture

If you checked out any of the messages from last week's post, you came to a sermon on memorizing Scripture.

My question for you today is, do you memorize Scripture?

If you do, what practical steps do you take to make this a regular habit?

If you don't, why not?

Last year, my mom and I began holding each other accountable to a verse/passage every week.

As it turned out, we each picked our own verses out of whatever we happened to be studying in God's Word.

I wrote mine down in a notebook and then read it and said it often until I had it down. Every night, we'd listen to each other's verses and review some of the others we had previously worked on. Whenever I got a verse memorized, I would type it out from memory on a blog I started as another outlet for keeping my mind sharp.

As the year progressed, our habit decreased until it was finally non-existent.

I think we need to get back to it!


  1. i love to memorise scripture! i just started this year. i like to read a passage several times everyday after my devotional until it gets stuck in my head :)

    thanks for the comment! i hope i get to see you at youth group!
    bunches of love,
    Katy <3

  2. by the way, what scriptures are you planning to memorize to get back into the habit?

  3. Hey Katy!
    This post is actually by a co-authoress of the blog. :D I only blog on Fridays. :P
    I'm actually memorizing 2nd Corinthians 4. :D What about you?


We are welcome to comments! Please use the Thumper rule. :D