
Monday, March 15, 2010

Bible Reading

Last fall, I found out that the average person can read through the Bible in approximately 90 hours.

If you read your Bible for 1 hour everyday, you can read through the whole Bible every 3 months.

So, since that time, it has been a goal of mine to commit to read the Bible for one hour every day in addition to the quite time I already have with the Lord.

The funny thing, or really, the sinful thing about this is that since I've made that resolution I have actually spent LESS time in the Word.

Why is that?

I can't really say for sure.

But, I do know that meeting goals takes WORK.

I realize that I won't be any more saved or justified by reading my Bible more or any less saved or justified by reading it less.

I have chosen to make this goal because I know that in spending that hour in the Word I will most definitely grow closer to God and have a mind that is more like His.

So, no more excuses. I've just got to get in the Word.

Will you join me?


  1. Thank you for this post, Victoria. What an excellent idea! I will do this with you.

    Would you please help keep me accountable in this? Just to e-mail or call every once in a while, and make sure I'm sticking with it; I would appreciate it so much! :)


We are welcome to comments! Please use the Thumper rule. :D